Why Did Holden Do His Bullet in the Guts Number Again

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The Catcher in the Rye Affiliate 20

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Chapter 20

  • Holden sits around and drinks and waits for the two French women to come out and sing. Instead, this new woman named Valencia comes out.
  • Holden, getting "drunk as hell," gives her the middle, which she ignores; after she's gone he asks the bartender to give her a bulletin, which—what?
  • By 1am, Holden is really boozer. So he starts pretending (once again) that he'south got a bullet in his guts and is doing an astonishing of job concealing that fact from the balance of the world.
  • Bullheaded drunk, he ends up in a telephone berth and gives Sally Hayes a call.
  • Her grandma picks up. Oops.
  • Somehow or some other, Emerge does end up the phone. Holden tells her he'll come up over and trim her Christmas tree, rambles on about how the mob got him, and hangs up. Or rather, gets hung upwardly on.
  • Ugh.
  • Holden ends up in the men's room. He dunks his head so just sits shivering by the window.
  • The piano actor comes into the bath. Holden tries to get him to deliver a message to her, but in one case once again gets a "What are yous, twelve?" sort of response.
  • He'south one of those annoying, handsome guys like Stradlater, who combs his hair a bunch in the mirror and and then just leaves you alone in the bathroom.
  • Crying and depressed, Holden heads for the hat-check room to go his coat and Little Shirley Beans record. He chats with the hat-check girl and tries to make a engagement with her fifty-fifty though she'south old plenty to be his mother.
  • He shows her his blood-red hunting hat, and she makes him wear it outside (since he'south dripping cold water and it's December).
  • This is going downhill speedily, you guys.
  • Back outside, he decides to go check out the lagoon and see if the ducks are there.
  • And then—he drops the Little Shirley Beans tape. It breaks into "well-nigh fifty pieces." He picks them upwardly and puts them dorsum into his pocket, nigh crying.
  • If Catcher in the Rye were an AA group, this would be Holden's rock-lesser.
  • In the pitch blackness nighttime of the late night/early on forenoon, Holden finds his way through the park to the lagoon. No ducks.
  • So he sits down on a bench and shivers. Maybe he'll get pneumonia and dice, he thinks. (He's withal incredibly drunk, past the way.)
  • Holden imagines his funeral and how all his aunts would come, similar they did for Allie'south funeral.
  • He wasn't allowed to become, since he was still in the hospital for his paw, but D.B. told him one aunt kept maxim how peaceful Allie looked.
  • Mostly, he'd feel sorry for his mother, who isn't fifty-fifty over Allie's death all the same.
  • If he does die, he hopes they just chuck him in a river. Who wants flowers on their grave when they're dead?
  • Holden doesn't like visiting Allie's grave; he doesn't think his brother should exist there surrounded by all those expressionless guys.
  • The worst, he says, was when he was visiting the grave and it started to pelting. They could all run for their cars or umbrellas, but Allie couldn't.
  • To get his listen off the bailiwick, Holden counts his money. Information technology'south a little more than 3 bucks. He skips the change beyond the water where it isn't frozen. (Hey, maybe you should be saving that money, hm?)
  • Well, if he did get pneumonia and dice, Phoebe would miss him a lot. Then he had better become visit her. Right now.

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Source: https://www.shmoop.com/study-guides/literature/catcher-in-the-rye/summary/chapter-20

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