Number of Congressmen in the House of Representatives

Difference Between a Congressman and a Senator
There is widespread confusion regarding the difference between a congressman and a senator. While it's clear that a senator is a member of the Senate, does the term "congressman" include senators, or does it refer exclusively to members of the House of Representatives? And what comprises the "Congress" of the United states of america?

The Constitution of the United States, Commodity I, Section one, says, "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and Firm of Representatives."

Merriam-Webster defines "Congress" as "a particular congress; especially: the congress of the U.s. that includes the Senate and the House of Representatives."

And then, both the Senate and Firm of Representatives brand up the U.S. Congress. Shouldn't this mean that the term "congressman" applies equally to both a senator and a representative?

Co-ordinate to Merriam-Webster, a "congressman" is "someone (especially a man) who is a fellow member of a congress and especially of the U.S. Firm of Representatives."

Unwritten Rules: The Difference Between a Congressman and a Senator

Herein lies the central confusion. It is technically correct to use the term "congressman" in relation to any elected representative from either House or Senate. However, it is also clear that when a person refers to a "congressman," they are more often than not referring to a representative from the Firm.

This situation is further complicated by the gender-specific nature of the term "congressman." In its identify, it is possible to employ the gender-neutral term "congressperson," which Merriam-Webster defines equally "a congressman or congresswoman." The website for the U.S. Business firm of Representatives affirms that the terms "congressman" and "congresswoman" are equally valid.

Having adamant the appropriate designations for each type of elected representative, information technology is worth noting that there are some other basic differences betwixt a senator and a fellow member of the Business firm of Representatives.

The guidelines for the election and apportionment of each are outlined in the United States Constitution, and by subsequent amendments to the Constitution.

Representatives and senators both are elected by popular vote in each state in the U.S. Yet, while each country elects exactly ii senators per term, the number of representatives per state are apportioned according to the state'south population.

Representatives are elected for two-yr terms, and senators are elected for six-yr terms. To be eligible for appointment as a representative in the House, an individual must be at least 25 years onetime and have been a U.Southward. citizen for seven years. The eligibility requirements of senators are slightly stricter, as an private must be at to the lowest degree thirty years old and have been a U.South. citizen for nine years to exist elected as a senator. In either case, the private must be a resident of the land in which they are running for part.

While the House has the ability to vote on impeachment, the Senate has the power to carry the trial of the impeached individual.

The Senate has sectional powers, including the fact that treaties cannot be ratified without the Senate'south consent. Senators also confirm presidential appointments to office, such as appointments for justices of the Supreme Court.

Legislation, however, must be approved and ratified by both the House and the Senate earlier it tin can be enacted.

Katherine Hamblen

Photo: Flickr


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