How Many Lottery Tickets Can You Buy at One Time

Air powered lottery balls for drawing

Allow me finish you correct in that location. If you're considering buying many lottery tickets for i drawing, or less lottery tickets for multiple drawings do neither . Whatever yous were thinking almost doing with the respond to this question, you go right on thinking... and not doing.

But you lot're really here for some math on the optimal number of lottery ticket to purchase, correct?If you're going to purchase and nosotros tin can't convince you non to, we'll run the numbers.

A question on Reddit's 'Ask Science' subreddit inspired this question. In a theoretical life or expiry situation where this conundrum arises... buy all your tickets for the same lottery cartoon.

In the immortal words of Mr. spoolingthreads:

"Permit'south say there'southward a daily lottery. Person A buys 365 tickets for 1 cartoon on one day. Person B buys one ticket each mean solar day for a year. Do they have dissimilar chances of winning?"

The Right Strategy for Buying Lottery Tickets

Picture of a $20 bill you could have instead of buying many lottery tickets
Why Don't You Just Burn this Instead of Buying Many Lottery Tickets?

To prove that Heir-apparent A has the right strategy for a drawing like Powerball you accept to make a few assumptions:

  1. Powerball doesn't change the rules over the next year
  2. There volition exist every bit many drawings in future years
  3. The buyer doesn't buy indistinguishable tickets in the same lottery drawing
  4. You're but concerned nearly the jackpot, not the sub-prizes (the math on those are similar, but let's only exercise jackpot math)

With those in listen, the problem can be worked out once yous catch the odds from the PowerBall site.

Beginning, we can calculate the odds of a 'lump sum' purchase, 365 tickets for one drawing in this question. Here are the odds to hit a jackpot:

365 / 292,201,338.0

0.000124913870175% Risk of Striking the Jackpot

Odds for a Lottery 'Dollar Toll Averager'

The Dollar Cost Averaging analogy means a person would spread the same number of purchases out over other drawings.

Permit's set up the odds on number ii:

Averages 3.509615* tickets per drawing (based on 104 drawings a year)

Odds of winning any one drawing are (365/104)/292,201,338.0, or ~0.0000012010949055%

Odds of not winning are (1-that final number)

The odds of not winning for a twelvemonth?  (The higher up pace'south result)^104

Odds of winning a jackpot in the full year are 1 - (the in a higher place footstep) or


*We're going to use the average, although timing matters in an exhaustive calculation. Information technology doesn't matter enough to swing it, though. Also, you lot'd demand to know the drawing dates...

And At that place Yous Have Information technology... Don't Buy Many Lottery Tickets

In the dubious match-up of which way to least waste matter your money on lottery tickets, buying them all for one drawing beats buying a few for every drawing....0.000124913870175% to 0.000124913792665%.

Math gives us precision, merely it's rarely the best way to convey a point. There are a few other means to convince yourself of this.

Here's a skillful style:

  • Pretend there are only 10 possible numbers per drawing.
  • If you buy 10 tickets, you will win 100% of the time (assuming no duplicates).
  • If you buy 1 per drawing for 10 drawings, information technology's now possible to lose all x times (In fact, the odds of losing all x are 34.8678%!).

The lesser line - don't buy multiple lottery tickets. Purchase stock. Here, I'll get you started - here'southward a calculator on the Due south&P 500 dorsum to 1871.

Better odds than air powered balls, right?


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